List your upcoming community event in our COMMUNITY EVENT calendar for Free just email the event details to weeklyledger@gmail.com with the date, time, where it will be located, what the event consists of, and if there will be a fee for the public to attend.
• CLG - Cherokee Life Groups meet every Tuesday at 6 p.m. (SHARP) at The ROC 300 East Bypass, Centre, AL 35960.
Current Groups Offered:
Chemical Dependency, Family Members of Chemical Dependency-Codependency
Grief, Divorce (women only)
• Cherokee Connection Women's Club
Cherokee County women's non-profit club meets the second Monday of each month from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce meeting room located on the Gadsden State Cherokee Campus, unless otherwise stated. Guest speakers or fun filled activities. Catered lunch provided for $9 each person. Free parking at the rear of the Gadsden State Community College. (801 Cedar Bluff Road, Centre, AL)
• Women's Club of Weiss Lake
The Women's Club of Weiss Lake meets the second Tuesday of each month from 11:30 AM - 2:00 PM at the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce meeting room located on the Gadsden State Cherokee Campus, 801 Cedar Bluff Road, Centre, AL. ​
• The Henagar City Council holds regular monthly meetings on the first and third Monday of each month at 6 pm.
• The Sand Rock Town Council holds regular monthly meetings on the second Monday of each month at 6 pm.