A statement issued by former State Senator Craig Ford regarding closing on the sale of the former Goodyear plant site in Gadsden:

“The closing of the Goodyear plant was a sad day for Gadsden.
I fought in the legislature to help keep this vital part of our economy operational. Today, I am happy to say, presents new hope for the Goodyear site and for the future it could bring to Gadsden; while I cannot disclose many of the details, I am happy to announce the plant site has been sold, and there is tremendous potential for its development in the near future.
I am proud to have been able to utilize my relationships and connections to assist the IDA in facilitating this sale and helping bring new jobs to our area. It delights me to know the Goodyear site will soon be alive again as it once was. While I helped in the process, the credit belongs in larger parts to others who deserve applause for their hard work and commitment. Success is always a team effort.”
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