~Wisdom From the Word~
by: Pastor Dennis Dodson |Vice President/ Treasurer
Seeds of Faith, Inc., A Non-Profit Ministry | thezacchaeusplan@gmail.com
Colossians 3:16-17 “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom…”
Nothing brings us in touch with our own humanity more than losing loved
ones. Physical death will come for all of us. One day these earthly bodies will wear
out, having served their temporary purpose. That leaves us knowing that we must
prepare. This is uncomfortable for many. So, we avoid the hard questions and fail
to make the appropriate plans. This is unwise.
Scripture gives us great assurance that this life is not all there is (2
Corinthians 5:1-5). Our body is referred to as an earthly house, a tent, or a tabernacle.
When the believer leaves this body, we have a building of God, not made with
hands, eternal in the heavens. We should long be in this permanent heavenly
dwelling rather than here in temporary shelter. Where do you long to be? A hard
question that must be answered. So many long for this life, but don’t make plans
for the next. Paul indicates in 2 Corinthians these will be found naked, not properly
clothed at Jesus’ coming.
In Matthew 22, Jesus gives a parable of a man who made a wedding feast for
his son. Many were invited, but they all had excuses. The man went to highways
and gathered as many as would come. There was a man at the feast who did not
have on a wedding garment. He was improperly clothed. He was bound hand and
foot and cast into outer darkness where there were weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Considering what Scripture says, to be prepared for the next life, how are we
to be clothed? We are to be clothed with a robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).
This is the garment of salvation, given to all who believe in the death, burial, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. Once true belief occurs, God seals the believer with
the Holy Spirit of promise. God clothes you in the righteousness of His Son. Please
don’t wait to make the necessary preparations. This truly is a matter of eternal life
or eternal death.